Fits 1994 - 2002 2500 & 3500 engines.
One each Cummins 3900709 Front Crankshaft Seal
One each Cummins 3918673 Gear Cover gasket.
A failed front crankshaft oil seal is one of the main sources of "The Cummins 6BT Drip".
This kit has all of the parts to stop the leak that looks like is is coming from the front of your engine.
1) Disconnect Batteries
2)Unplug The Two Sensors going to the porpoise pisser, and unplug rubber line. (stand by for fluid loss)
3) remove blue drain tank (push mid section in from behind shroud at circular tab, and pull up and out)
4) remove 4 bolts holding fan to clutch (just push fan towards motor a little bit)
5) remove four bolts holding fan shroud to radiator, remove overflow hose on radiator bottle. Then lift and remove the fan shroud and bottle as one.
6) with 3/8" drive ratchet, push the belt tensioner down and remove drive belt
7) remove 4 bolts that hold entire fan clutch to block (hint, the bottom right bolt will not come all the way out)
8) remove puke bottle
9) remove four bolts holding harmonic balancer on, and remove balancer
10) remove all the bolts holding the front cover on (you don't need to know where they go, just the two that have double nuts for the wire looms)
11) clean the timing cover, and remove the old gasket completely from both surfaces
12) tap out old front seal from front of cover (so it pushes out towards the back of the cover)
13) clean the area for new seal, and install seal with supplied install tool (carefull!) read instructions, install from back of cover
14) install plastic sleeve over crank end and use as line up tool to reinstall cover with new gasket installed
15) Install the new timing cover gasket
16) reverse the order of the removal procedure to re-install.